Bad Tech
E7: Deep Fake Grandma
Sometimes it is better to leave Grandma in her grave. Comedy
Bad Tech
E6: The End of Art?
Does AI create better art than humans? Comedy
Bad Tech
E5: Are Real Books Dead?
Why read a real book when you can listen to an audio book? Comedy
Bad Tech
E4: Driverless Cars Are The Future?
Is your car a psycho? Comedy
Bad Tech
E3: Solving The Transportation Crisis
Is this the future of city travel? Comedy
Bad Tech
E2: Leave Me Alone Clone
Here's how to deal with annoying people. Comedy
Pulped With Bits
E47: Time Travel For Women
Why should men have all the best tech? Comedy
How To Get That Bag On Social Media
E2: This Baby Will Make Me Rich
Get the followers by faking your mummy blog. Comedy